Two members enter the Upper Marilyn Hall of Fame

Your benefits as an RHSoc Member

The Relative Hills Society is a friendly, informal outfit, aimed at helping folk meet their climbing and walking ambitions, and have fun in the hills. We have several hundred members across Scotland, Wales, England and beyond, but keep the spirit of a smaller club since most trips involve a few tens of members.

You can join us via online payment via this page:

RHSoc Membership options

Our members' join us to...

Read our printed journal Relative Matters

Relative Matters is the Societyā€™s printed Annual Journal. It is published in March/April each year and includes over 100 pages of articles, photos and Baglogs by our members. Baglogs are hill bagging recollections of the past year.

It includes the Halls of Fame listing. Members like to see how many people have added to their tally of different relative hill lists. Some can be fiercely competitive.

It covers mainly British hills but there are usually a significant number of articles on international bagging, from Ireland to Australia.

There is also an online version available in the members-only website area, which has even more pictures and articles which is handy if you don't have the paper copy for previous years.

Attend Events and Trips meetups

RHSoc organises a number of events each year for its members; including AGM and annual dinner, a number of 'Bagger Rambles' get-together events around the year at interesting locations, plus coordinated trips to islands and hard to summit/restricted hills.

Currently planned trips

Read our Relative Mutters E-newsletter

Published several times a year, this keeps our members up-to-date with the trips that are available and shares stories about previous trips.

Tune in to our Relative Chatters webinars

We usually run these in the winter months. They are given by members and invited speakers who have included Seven Summit baggers and well known moutaineers such as Mick Fowler and island baggers such as Lisa Drew.

All members can access past talks in the online Members' area.

Gain Mountaineering Scotland affiliation benefits

The Relative Hills Society (RHSoc) is affiliated to Mountaineering Scotland, the national body for climbing and hill walking clubs in Scotland. This provides the liability cover that protects Members and the Committee from claims of negligence that may be made against the Society (N.B. it is not travel insurance).

If you pay for affiliation, the benefits of membership of Mountaineering Scotland include receiving their Scottish Mountaineer magazine four times per year, getting discounts on your outdoor purchases and winter access to Glen Strathfarrar.Ā However, those who are already members of one of the National Mountaineering Bodies in the UK need not pay the MS fee to RHSoc, but don't receive the magazines.

Details of Mountaineering Scotland limited liability insurance

Combined civil and public liability cover for your mountaineering activities is an automatic benefit of membership for registered members of our Mountaineering Scotland affiliated clubs. This covers a wide range of legal claims that may get made against you for negligence, for instance:

  • Damage you cause to people or property while out on the hill or at a climbing wall
  • An accident that occurs while you are belaying a partner indoors or outdoors
  • You share knowledge with a colleague on the hill and a claim results from advice you have given

You can learn more on the Mountaineering Scotland site here.

Benefits summary

The benefits of RHSoc Membership are:

  • You can attend any events or trips organised by the Society. These typically involve Hostel meets throughout the year as well as the Annual Dinner in early Summer, and may include trips to the St Kilda islands and stacks.
  • You will receive our full-colour printed annual Journal Relative Matters which includes articles by members and is richly illustrated with hill photos from the UK and overseas.
  • You can access a members' area on the website which has more articles, photos and stories about members' activities
  • You will receive regular member articles and updates to the Relative Hills via the RelativeĀ Mutters e-newsletter.
  • Subscription to Mountaineering Scotland is also included and you will receive their excellent printed magazine four-times a yearunless you join as a Member of another Mountaineering club.
  • You will receive a Membership Card which you may use to collect discounts from retailers negotiated by Mountaineering Scotland.
  • You can submit contributions to the Editor for consideration for publication in Relative Matters.
  • You can attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting which takes place immediately before the Annual Dinner.

Other types of membership

We have one other option for joining us that are occasionally used by folks.

Do Contact Us if you are interested in this or have any questions about membership.

Prospective Members

Anybody who is considering joining the Relative Hills Society may attend up to two trips or events, including social events, before formally becoming a Member. Just contact us to discuss.

N.B. This does not apply to trips to St Kilda which require all those boarding the boats to be Ordinary Members of the Relative Hills Society. You should also note that Ordinary Members take priority.

You can join us via online payment via this here:

You can join us via online payment via this page:

RHSoc Membership options