The SIBs Ship’s Manifest 2022

The Significant Islands of Britain (SIBs) exceed 30m prominence and/or 30 hectares, as listed by Alan Holmes, with the additional proviso that they can be ascended without rock climbing

The SIBs Hall of Fame, known as The Ships Manifest, lists the number of SIBs climbed by hill baggers who have submitted the number of Sibs they have climbed to us.

If you want to be included or spot errors, email

Codes: *=New entries into different levels of the Ship, D=Deceased, R=Retired.

1Rob Woodall8544
2Andy Sutton43543
3Brian Ewing5445
4Alan Whatley0412
5Adrian Rayner31397
6Alan Holmes1396
7George Morl1396
8Bob Kerr0371
9Douglas Law36357
10Charlie Scott29302
11Jim Bloomer28284
12Colin Crawford5245
13Richard McLellan49230
14Steve Gillions32220
15Denise McLellan48211
16Rick Salter21194
17Martin Richardson *30191
18Norman Wares *39185
19Michael Earnshaw *29173
20Jenny Hatfield *21169
21Alex Cameron5168
22Margaret Parker *32160
23Jonathan Woods61141
24Andrew Finnimore6140
25Eric Young17131
26Charles Everett34128
27Richard Speirs2113
28Anne Bunn14111
29Campbell Singer2111
30Phillip Massey *31104
31Dave Chapman *75102
32Tony Smith *2598
33Gordon Adshead198
34Tim Hawkes *5095
35Reg Willis595
36Lindsay Munro395
37David PurchaseR93
38Thomas Mundell085
39Bob Taylor184
40Janet Munro *383
41Peter Ellis083
42Peter Dinnage *3282
43Alan Dawson082

Levels: Lower Deck 80-159; Main Deck 160-239; Upper Deck 240-319; Quarter Deck 320-399; Forecastle 400-479; Lounge 480-559; Captain's Table 560-599; The Bridge 600 & above